Whoever you are, wherever you're from, we want you here!

TWC Students is our Youth Ministry where we serve our up and coming generation in 6th–12th grade!
We believe in the power of community & discipleship, and know that those two things are fundamental in shaping a young person's life.  TWC Student ministry provides both every week on wednesday nights at the church.  During our time together your teen will have tons of fun, worship, learn about God's Word, and be challenged and loved.  Plus, we have something for the whole family that night, so what a great time to come out together!

Wednesday Nights

6:45pm -7pm

Pre-service fun in the gym.  Enjoy hanging out,  shooting hoops, or other games before service.

7pm - 8:15pm

TWC Student ministry service meets up in the student ministry center above the gym.  It is a time of worship, community building, and discipleship

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.