
Pastors & Staff

Justin  & Christine Adams

Lead Pastor

Justin & Christine Adams both grew up right outside of Leesburg Virginia, and are excited about the opportunity to be a part of the Loudoun community, and reaching it for the Gospel.   Justin has a passion for helping people discover their masterpiece mission in Christ, and stepping into that purpose fully. They have three amazing children:  Genesis, Sierra, & Jonathan.  Justin is most passionate about developing disciples that make disciples themselves.

Meet the team.

Denise Frye

Kids Ministry Director
Denise Frye has been a gifted children's director and pastor for years and has a heart for kids of all ages to enter into God's presence through worship and the word.   She's married to her husband Kevin Frye and has three sons.  

Dakota Berg

Youth Pastor
Dakota is passionate about raising up the next generation to be followers of Christ.  He's a graduate from Evangel University with a degree in youth ministry. 

Haven Clippinger

Early Ed. & Collaborative Director
Haven love kids, her dog, music, and the arts!  She is pursuing her graduate degree while teaching and leading your early education as well as our exciting ministry of the arts known as the Collaborative.

Erin Rodgers

Women's Ministry Pastor
John and Erin Rodgers reside in Leesburg with their two amazing sons.  Erin enjoys creating opportunities for women to connect and grow in community. Her deepest desire is to encourage women to be passionate about pursuing time in the presence of Jesus. 

Sonya Hodge

Co-Worship Director
Sonya has been singing since she was a young girl.  She grew up singing with her family and has led a youth choir in her late teens to early 20's.  She was also a worship leader in her home church in North Carolina before coming to TWC.  She is passionate about leading people into worship so they can experience the dynamic presence of God.

Steve Daniel

Co-Worship Director
Steve is a graduate of Virginia Tech and is passionate about worship, music, and people.  Coming from a musical family, Steve plays multiple instruments, and is dedicated to ushering people into God's presence every Sunday.  If you play an instrument and want to get plugged in, drop him a line!

Jennifer Ross

Outreach Director
Jennifer is all about reaching out to our community and sharing the love of Christ with those in need.  She organizes and leads our local outreach ministries.

Beth Rhodes

Body Care Director
Beth's heart is all about helping those in need in our community be taken care of.  She heads our ministry designed to meet the needs of our body, coordinate meals, help those who are sick or in the hospital.


David Hodge

Edgar Trujillo

Fred Lantz

Mandy Lantz
Finance Director

Barry Cates

Raj Daniel