Our Story

How it all started...

The Worship Center has an incredibly rich history!  We were born out of a tent revival back in 1939 in the Leesburg area.  By 1940 a church was born and property purchased.  In 1981 the church moved to it's current location on Gleedsville road.  We have seen thousands of people give their lives to Jesus Christ, commissioned Pastors, missionaries, leaders, and disciples, and helped reach our community with the love and compassion of Jesus.  

Expanding the vision...

As rich as our history is, we know that God's got even greater things in store for TWC moving forward!  We want to be a church dedicated to raising up disciples who will bring Jesus to every nook and cranny of our society.  We believe the good new of Jesus is best shared outside the church walls through ministry, evangelism, & relationship.  Our motto is:  we want to make disciples who in turn make disciples.

Where we are headed...

We understand that developing disciples and leaders doesn't happen by accident, but only through intentional actions on our behalf.  We believe disciples are made through:
     - Gaining freedom from our past
     - Discovering our masterpiece mission assigned to us by God
     - Developing our gifts and passions through service & ministry
     - Fully understanding God's Kingdom and how we fit into it
     - Journeying together through intentional discipleship groups
     - Discipling others on their journey toward a closer relationship to God

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.